Wednesday 27 January 2016

Seventh Heaven? How to get a role on a Microsoft Dynamics AX7 implementation

One of the hot topics at Microsoft Convergence 2015 was the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX7.  Would you be interested in being of the first to work with the new product and becoming familiar with its new functionality? This article examines what's new and how you can work with it first…

New functionality

Microsoft noted at Convergence that they’ve listened to issues and opportunities for improvement in the past version and they are offering solutions with Dynamics AX7. They have concentrated on data governance, change management and solution completeness.

Dynamics AX7 has been reconstructed on Azure, and at first just a cloud option will be offered, with an on-premise version thought to be available afterwards (despite some sceptics who suggest it will remain in the cloud only).

Another advancement is that Microsoft Dynamics AX7 will work in tandem with Lifecycle Services, a system that permits ideas to be created, tested and perfected before the go-live, meaning that the solution can be implemented cheaper and quicker than previous versions and keeping the customer happier.

Dynamics AX7 will use workspaces - dashboards showing data including all the procedure steps, who's responsible for them, and what they’ve achieved so far, making use of PowerBI. The new version can be utilized on any gadget that uses a modern browser- it doesn't matter whether it's Microsoft or not, which will lead to easier access and more flexible work practices.

Which organizations will be first to implement?

You might now be working at a business who will upgrade their Microsoft Dynamics AX product. However, if your company has no arrangements for that – where else would you be able to get experience?

  • ·         The leading Tier 1 partners will be amongst the first to use Dynamics AX7 and some of them have begun implementations across a range of companies, for example, retail and manufacturing.
  • ·         The bigger retailers- a few retailers have implementations in progress, enticed by the updates to retail functions, for example, MPOS and social platform integration 
  • ·         Any organizations who are members of Microsoft's TAP (Technology Adoption Program) a process which enables companies to implement a new version ahead of time – TAP have businesses on board who will be going live early this year
  • ·         End users currently on Dynamics AX2009 – It’s probable they will upgrade straight to AX7 when the time comes to update.

What experience will help you with AX7?

The following will help but they are not mandatory!
  • ·         Experience of R3 would be beneficial as the interface is more like Microsoft Dynamics AX7 and less of a leap in innovation than the R2 version.
  • ·         Having considerable experience with Microsoft Azure would be favorable, and this will likewise set you up well for future jobs considering Microsoft’s backing of the cloud.
  • ·         AX specialists with Power BI and Lifecycle Services experience will likewise experience higher interest, to get the most out of the new version.

The other side of this is there will be less interest for infrastructure specialists, as servers and other equipment will become progressively outdated, so consultants in this field may come up against more competition.

We can help…

Cognitive Group are specialists in Microsoft Dynamics jobs and recruitment and we work with several businesses who are upgrading to AX7 and need Microsoft Dynamics experts to help them, from Solution Architects to Functional Consultants to Developers.

Please contact us if you are interested in a job in Microsoft Dynamics AX7 or for any other Microsoft Dynamics recruitment enquiries:

Tel: 0203 587 7772
EU Toll-Free: 00800 4433 2929

Cognitive Group are a specialist Microsoft Dynamics recruitment business, focusing on Microsoft Dynamics AX jobs, Microsoft Dynamics CRM jobs and other roles in the Microsoft Stack. 

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