Friday 19 February 2016

Detox your job hunt: 4 ways to streamline your next Microsoft Dynamics job search

1. Clarify what exactly you want from your job  

When searching for roles, Microsoft Dynamics specialists can be a little vague about their job requirements, supposing it will cast the net wider on their job search. This can make it more difficult because their hunt does not have the clarity or focus to find that perfect role. They usually know the biggest things they want, for example, the day to day responsibilities, whether it’s a temporary or permanent role, and whether they want to work with an end client or a consultancy. What they don't usually do is truly consider how their next role will fit with their future plans.
Whilst a few specialists have a rough idea of their 3-4 year career plan they haven't considered the shortcomings in their experience, which are stalling their career progression. Whether it's more end to end implementations, Greenfield or recovery projects, more responsibility, managing a team, or experience on a particular technology, you need to recognize what will help your development. The more of these specifics that you pin down, the more effective your inquiry will be.
Furthermore, you should consider your ideal organization: what is your optimal size, sector, level of stability, geographic area, ethos, what is their business strategy and importantly, how is the organisation going to help your profession development? Whilst there is a considerable amount of data to consider, being sure about these important things will help your clarity when searching for jobs.

2. Upgrade your online profiles

Having a solid profile on LinkedIn and jobboards will help, since these are the most common platforms that Microsoft Dynamics recruitment consultants use to find professionals. Keep your online profile up-to-date, showing your latest undertakings that make you stand out. You are being assessed against other individuals doing a similar job to you (some will also likely have more experience) so you should be detailed about what you have done and how that separates you from your competition.
The simplest test for this is asking whether another Microsoft Dynamics applicant could duplicate what you've written on your experience and it would still represent their role – if the answer is yes, then you haven't been particular enough about your job or skills. Think budgets, specific technologies, number of users, geographical regions, complexities and above all what successes you can assume the credit for. This is the thing that will make your CV stick out. On your Linkedin profile do likewise, and additionally get recommendations from previous bosses and workmates –testimonials are strong and add another level to your CV.

3. Seek help from people you trust  

Recruitment Agencies

A decent Microsoft Dynamics recruitment agency can make your job search much smoother by doing the hard work for you. They will get you the best access to jobs, a considerable amount of which are not promoted. There are a huge number of recruitment organizations out there from general IT recruiters to specialist Microsoft Dynamics experts and they differ greatly. Search for companies that have direct associations with the hiring managers and senior staff of the businesses they are recruiting for, as they will have the capacity to introduce you at the right level, and lessen the number of interviews you need to attend. There will always be a plenty of agencies you could use however the service matters. Our recommendation is to discover a company that makes you feel comfortable, truly understands what they are discussing and helps with your search. Perhaps they’ve met you, shown that they are an expert or they were recommended to you – run with what feels right. You will be better guided by somebody who you trust.

Old colleagues and workmates

The Microsoft Dynamics network is fairly small and well-networked. Keep in mind how productive it can be to build relationships with your colleagues: it's amazing how frequently connections and existing relationships have quickened the hiring process. Referrals are frequently used by recruitment agencies and end clients to place candidates. With the development of online networking, it's simple to stay in contact so take advantage of this and let your contacts on Facebook and Linkedin know when you are searching for your next job. If they have been impressed with you at an earlier stage, they are likely to recommend you.

4. Learn how to recognize genuine job adverts  

Applying to adverts can take a lot of time and energy, what’s worse, not all adverts you see posted are completely genuine. Opportunities may have been filled and just not removed, or may never have  existed. Whilst this is not policed, the positive news is that it’s easy to see which are genuine and which are fake:

                    Some adverts are unmistakably duplicated from a HR job spec and discuss a job from a high level as opposed to the specific parts of the role. If an advert appears to be non-specific and can't be separated from others, the odds are you have a bad opportunity or a bad recruitment specialist

                    A real job advert should have plenty detail inside of it. Figures, facts and specifics that clarify the opportunity typically mean you have a genuine role and a solid recruitment consultant

                    A job advert that gives more detailed overview suggests that the recruitment consultant was experienced enough to ask great inquiries from a hiring manager (not simply HR) which furnishes you with the points of interest you want to know. It likewise hints that they have a decent relationship with the company who have given them time to brief them well on the role.

You can never be 100% certain about the origins of an advert but this should give you a better idea of what to look out for. Trust your instinct and if it sounds very generic or like a rehash of other adverts, keep looking!

Considering these 4 tips should make your next Microsoft Dynamics job hunt a bit more stress-free – do you have any other tips to share?

Cognitive Group are a specialists Microsoft Dynamics Recruitment Agency, focusing on jobs and recruitment within Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and other roles in the Microsoft Stack. Get in touch!

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