Wednesday 3 February 2016

How to ensure your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Project is staffed effectively

Why is staffing so important to your CRM project?

The new fiscal year is coming closer so most companies will be reviewing their spending and recruitment plans. Have you begun to consider what Microsoft Dynamics CRM staffing you're going to require and the recruitment process that will empower you to achieve your full potential? The Microsoft Dynamics CRM jobs market is as competitive as ever and it’s usually the businesses who put time in their hiring plan upfront who find the best staff.

Because of the financial time of year, there will be numerous Microsoft Dynamics CRM temporary workers completing contracts and staff who may be between jobs. Here we will go through why you ought to be considering the strength of your recruitment methodology, to guarantee that you are in prime position to get the talent you need.

How can inefficient staffing slow down your project?

Not having your Dynamics CRM implementation staffed adequately can have a negative effect, whether you are a partner, end client or software vendor.  It can result in projects being delayed, more expensive than expected, or in the worst scenarios, having to cancel a venture or turn away work completely.

In one case, an end user utilized 70% of their finances in 5 months using a partner, since they hadn't appropriately arranged the internal staffing required, and needed to rely on the partner's staff. It can impact Partners differently – one Microsoft Gold Partner needed to turn away over £1 million of business as they didn't have the current talent to focus on the task, and inadequate time to enlist new staff, plus a hesitance to use contract workers.

Contrastingly, one of our customers - a Microsoft ISV - has effectively mixed their workforce to enlist both permanent staff and contractors, guaranteeing that they have no challenges in having CRM skills at their disposal. One of their Program Managers said: “We hire a combination of permanent and contract Dynamics staff… this enables us to commit to our client and deliver quality work”.

Mistakes to avoid

While deciding on a spending plan for recruitment, it's essential to have good knowledge into current pay patterns and competition for skills. A typical blunder amongst organizations planning to bring in Microsoft Dynamics is that CRM staff are planned for in accordance with generalist IT staff and therefore proposed pay rates are lower than the standard for those skillsets.

It's prudent to not be dependent on IT salary surveys: they can be helpful as a general outline of the sector, but settling your financial plan based upon these may leave you out of pocket later. Frequently, the Project Managers and businesses who succeed are the ones who look to expert recruitment agencies who can give precise bandings for the skills and locations required.  

Numerous organizations who implement Dynamics CRM are hesitant to use temporary workers, however some miscalculate how long it takes to start a permanent staff member: once you've considered the job specification, resourcing, meetings and notice period, you could be liable to a 3 month hold-up in acquiring the experts required for the job. If you require staff immediately then contract workers might be a better alternative as they usually have shorter notice periods, or might be between contracts. A blend of both contract and permanent may offer the best arrangement.

Attracting and retaining the best staff

Whether you’re recruiting temp or perm staff, you have to consider what will energize your potential recruits and gear up your recruitment methodology to convey this message. Pay is a small component - what specialists are truly searching for is a stimulating CRM venture which gives them the ability to extend their skills.

Retaining your workers is as essential as initially enticing them. Opportunities are a telephone call away and your staff are probably getting contacted frequently because of the need for Microsoft Dynamics CRM specialists, which is why retaining your team can be the hardest part of the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM staffing process.

Have you had staff leave as of late and can't comprehend why? Did you take the opportunity to comprehend what their goals were, both inside and outside of work? When first onboarding new staff, it's vital to find their 2-4 year goals, and give them a professional plan that supports this. Individuals don't leave their jobs on account of the company, but the management, so inquire as to how your team feels about their managers and provide coaching where necessary.

Culture’s also important - by developing a team who gain from one another and get on, you will have a positive workplace which will help when both drawing in and maintaining existing staff numbers. It's likewise worth considering whether the implementation is organized or hectic and what impact this could be having on your workers’ fulfillment.

By being aware of the recruitment market and planning your recruitment strategy, you will be in the fast track to project success.

Would you like to find out more about how to effectively staff your Microsoft Dynamics CRM project?  

Get in touch:
Tel: 0203 587 7772
EU Toll-Free: 00800 4433 2929

Cognitive Group are a specialist Microsoft Dynamics Jobs and recruitment business with a focus on Microsoft Dynamics AX jobs, Microsoft Dynamics CRM jobs and other roles in the Microsoft stack.

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